You decide to make a delicious cheesecake. You do some research and discover a recipe for a dish called Sambocade at, which is from England in the late 14th century. The original recipe* is:

179. Sambocade. Take and make a crust in a trap & take cruddes and wryng out þe wheyze and drawe hem þurgh a straynour and put hit in þe crust. Do þerto sugar the þridde part, & somdel whyte of ayren, & shake þerin blomes of elren; & bake it vp with eurose, & messe it forth.

The Gode Cookery website translates this as:

Elderflower Cheesecake. Take and make a crust in a pie pan & take curds and wring out the whey and pass it through a strainer and put it in the pie shell. Add sugar (a “þridde part” – about 1/3 cup), and a portion of egg whites, and add dried elderflowers; and bake it with rosewater, and serve it.

You follow the redaction given on the Gode Cookery site, but you notice that it calls for a pie shell.

If you decide to make the crust yourself, turn to Page 3.

If you decide to use a store-bought pie shell, turn to Page 4.

* from Hieatt, Constance B. and Sharon Butler. Curye on Inglish: English Culinary Manuscripts of the Fourteenth-Century (Including the Forme of Cury). New York: for The Early English Text Society by the Oxford University Press, 1985.)