I’ve just added over 20 new armorials. The full list is at the end of this post, but first some highlights.
In the ‘Great Britain and Ireland’ section there are a couple new ordinaries: Thomas Jenyn’s Book (early 16th C) and a manuscript from the University of Victoria from c. 1580.

Also added to that section are a bunch of nice resources from the National Library of Ireland, including English, Scotish, and Irish armory.

I’m happy to add a few new resources to the ‘Italy’ section, including the mid-15th C Stemmario Trivulziano, and a collection from around 1605.

There are also two armorials from the 1st half of the 15th C from the Low Countries.

I’ve added a new section, Southeast Europe, for the Korjenić-Neorić Armorial from 1595, as it really didn’t fit in any of the other sections.

Some items have been moved around as I refine their dates or locations. One armorial, Koloriertes Wappenbuch, which had been labeled by the hosting library as 16th C, turns out to date from 1637 or later – it’s dedicated to Ferdinand III, which is a giveaway. Despite being well past the roughly 1600 cut-off date I use for curating this collection I’ve left it in at the end of the ‘Germany’ section, as it really is a lovely armorial.
Full List of Additions:
Great Britain and Ireland
- Thomas Jenyn’s Book, 1500-1525 English (New Haven, Yale University, Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Takamiya MS 105)
- Armorial Manuscript, 1557-1600 English (University of Victoria Library, Ms.Brown.Eng.2)
- Genelogies of the Erles of Lecestre and Chester, c. 1572-1573 English (UPenn Ms. Codex 1070)
- Irish Nobility E1, c. 1580-1590 Irish (Genealogical Office Manuscripts Collection, National Library of Ireland, Department of Manuscripts, GO MS 35)
- Arms E.I. Part 2 English and Scotch nobility, c. 1590-1620 English (Genealogical Office Manuscripts Collection, National Library of Ireland, Department of Manuscripts, GO MS 57)
- English Arms A, c. 1590-1620 English (Genealogical Office Manuscripts Collection, National Library of Ireland, Department of Manuscripts, GO MS 38)
- English Arms B, c. 1590-1620 English (Genealogical Office Manuscripts Collection, National Library of Ireland, Department of Manuscripts, GO MS 39)
- Blazons plus some sketches. The blazons are heavily abbreviated, and use drawings in place of some blazon words.
- Scottish Nobility E2, post-1603, Scottish (Genealogical Office Manuscripts Collection, National Library of Ireland, Department of Manuscripts, GO MS 36)
- Funeral Entries Vol 3, Irish 1604-1622 (Genealogical Office Manuscripts Collection, National Library of Ireland, Department of Manuscripts, GO MS 66)
- Registered Pedigrees Vol. 12, c. 1614-1618 (Genealogical Office Manuscripts Collection, National Library of Ireland, Department of Manuscripts, GO MS 166)
- Statuts et armoiries des chevaliers de la Table Ronde de Bourges, c. 1486-1533 French (London, British Library, Harley MS 5301)
- Extraict du livre de Navarre, 16th C French (Paris, BnF, ms. Français 32487)
- Blazons only.
- Manuscrits de Du Cange, 16th C French (Paris, BnF, ms. Français 9491)
- Short treatise followed by an armorial
- Armorial de Nicolas de Lutzelbourg, c. 1540 French (Nancy, Bibliothèque Mediathèque, Ms 1727)
- L’Armorial dit d’Anthoine de Clémery, c. 1540-1600 French (Paris, BnF, ms. Français 23076)
- Bayerische Fürstengenealogie, 16th C German (Dresden, Sächsische Landesbibliothek – Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Dresden – Mscr.Dresd.P.47)
- Chronica und Geburtsbuch des Königlichen und Furstlichen hauses der Hertzogen und Churfursten, 16th C German (Dresden, Sächsische Landesbibliothek – Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Dresden – Mscr.Dresd.J.116)
- Stemmario Trivulziano, mid-15th C Italian (Milan, Biblioteca Trivulziana, Cod.Triv. 1390)
- Cronaca di Bologna dal 68 al 1605, c. 1605 Italian (Biblioteca Estense Universitaria, gamma. u. 3. 29)
- Fontana, Giacomo: Insegne di vari prencipi et case illustri d’Italia, 1605 Italian (Biblioteca Estense Universitaria, alfa. t. 4. 12)
Low Countries
- Armorial dit de Lyncenich, 1st half of 15th C Dutch (Brussels, Koninklijke Bibliotheek van België ms. II 6567)
- Armorial universel et de familles pour la plupart brabançonnes, 1st half of 15th C Belgian (Brussels, Koninklijke Bibliotheek van België ms. II 6570)
- Armorial de Flandre et du Hainaut, 16th C Belgian (Paris, BnF, ms. NAF 25664, 25665, 25666, 25667)
- Over 3000 items, many repeated. A collection of arms from churches in Belgium.
- Black and white.
- (Moved from ‘France’ and added additional volumes)
- Libro del conocimiento de todos los reinos, 15th C Spanish (Madrid, Biblioteca Nacional de España, MSS 1997)
- Libro del conocimiento de todos los reynos, mid-15th C Spanish (München, BSB, cod.hisp. 150)
Southeast Europe
- Korjenić-Neorić Armorial, 1595 Southeast Europe (Zagreb, Nacionalna i sveučilišna knjižnica u Zagrebu)
Alba Amicora
- 1560-1615: Streit, Jakob (München, BSB Hss Cod.icon. 313)
- (Moved from ‘Germany’)
- 1587-1632: Johannes Götz (Württembergische Landesbibliothek, Cod.hist.qt.297)